
How to make whatsapp dark mode

This is how to make WhatsApp dark mod. I will be teaching you step by step Number (one) create a WhatsApp account with your phone number No(two) go to your WhatsApp account No (three) look up to your right hand side you will see something like this : No (four) click on it, once you have click on it, it will bring many options or maybe three options No (five) look down to the last option they click on sittings No (6) once you have click on sittings, it will bring many options No (7) click on chat after that No (8) click on themes once you have clicked on themes it will bring two options No (9) select dark and click ok. No (0) enjoy your WhatsApp dark mode. I wish to receive your comments Thanks

How to keep your blog safe

The blog that people use can easily be terminated just  by common reason and no traffic because when you start a new blog, first day a lot of people will likely see your blog even if your article is small but people will still see it,  Am going to tell you why is like that, which also will include the disadvantages and the advantages a  blogger might face in his blog,  No:one  Looking at my blog this looks like and just making the  first article, but that is no true, I have been blogging here for a long time now, the question you should ask is why is this the only post I have published. The reason is that my blog is no longer get traffic or Google lank so I deleted all the content I have created. here because that content is the course why are not getting traffic. Why is that, because I copied another person content when I was so tired that I could  not write, that is one mistake you shouldn't make in blogging, why google knows and google will not lank...